About PlusTech

We are passionate about flawless transactions – whether you are a buyer or a seller.

This is why PlusTech has specialised in import, export, selling and buying of excavators, trucks and other equipment.

Get in touch with a broker


Our brokers will help you

PlusTech has more than just solid competency – we also have strong connections all over the world. This combination allows us to find the equipment you need, or the buyer you are looking for.


Get access to a network nobody else can match

For more than 16 years, PlusTech has worked on making connections. If you collaborate with us, you will also reach an extensive network when exporting and selling or importing and buying excavators, trucks and other equipment.


Get control over all rules and regulations

Forget expensive fees and surprising costs. We know all the regulations and will monitor them for you.

Get financial security

Our experienced brokers ensure that all financial issues will be handled correctly between buyer and seller.


Get financing when needed

Do you need financing to by a truck, construction equipment or other equipment you want? We’ll help you!


Get your equipment transported around the world

Transport of construction equipment and vehicles is expensive and demands a lot of organisation – unless you let us take responsibility, that is. Thanks to our solid network, you will save valuable time and money.


Put documentation in order

Uncertain about which customs documents, declarations and excises you need to have under control? With our help, you won’t have to think about this at all during the buying or selling of construction equipment and vehicles.


Get Marketing that works

Do you have a used truck for sale, or perhaps an excavator or loader? No matter what, the likelihood is that the buyer is somewhere abroad. We ensure great international marketing

Talk to a broker today

Ansatte PlusTech AS